- guided tours in Nova Scotia Canada

Halifax & Bay of Fundy/Low Tide - 7.5 hours - $450 for minivan and tour operator

Tours are private and are priced per vehicle.

Halifax - 1 hour

Tour includes a stop at a cemetery with a major Titanic tradgedy connection, plus Historic Downtown Halifax.

Bay of Fundy/Low Tide - 6.5 hours

A large ocean water area that is 150-200km/90-120mi long and 50-100km/30-60mi wide and is enclosed on three sides by the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and the American state of Maine. It was created between 15 000 and 10 000 years ago as the last ice age receded. It has the first or second largest tides in the world with a range of fifteen metres/fifty feet. It's large expanse of mud flats provide summer feeding grounds for millions of migrating shorebirds. The fishery and whale watching provide economic livelihood for many people.

Also in this tour you will visit two lighthouses, access the shore of the Bay of Fundy at two locations and visit a typical Bay of Fundy river.

The high tide of the Bay of Fundy looks like most high tides on the northeast Atlantic Ocean coast; however, depending on the location, the low tide of the Bay of Fundy is spectacular. The Bay of Fundy may have the highest tidal range in the world and has two variations of tides. The western Bay of Fundy has a vertical tide and the eastern Bay of Fundy has a horizontal tide (where Bruces Tours does a tour). At low tide the eastern Bay of Fundy is unique and low tide is the best opportunity to view the uniqueness of the eastern Bay of Fundy.

The timing during the day that we visit the eastern Bay of Fundy is very important. Bruces Tours will only conduct a tour at or around low tide. For cruise vessel guests, a tour will only be conducted at low tide in between the hours of 10h00 and 13h00 local time at the Bay of Fundy due to cruise line schedule. For other guests, the time can be early in the day, middle of the day, or late in the day - depending on low tide times. To view the expected tide levels during your visit, please go to

Note that travel times to and from the Bay of Fundy is approximately 90 minutes each way. Actual time at the Bay of Fundy will be approxiametely three hours.

BrucesTours:    Your private Cruise Ship Shore Excursion Operator in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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